Archive for November, 2008

An Ending

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

The installation went smoothly and with no major mishaps. The potluck was wonderful and I was so glad to be able to introduce my family to the great people I have met and worked with here.

I am pleased with my work, and upon final inspection after installation, found nothing I would change. Often I am my own worst critic.

I will always remember this experience and all the people who helped make it possible. I am a lucky woman indeed.

The project installed!

The project installed!

Week 6: Almost complete!

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008
Final panel

Final panel

I begin to cut the final panel of this project.

This piece features the bristle-cone pines growing from the rocky slopes, the Wheeler Peak snow-field/glacier and a final branch of golden aspen leaves.

At this point I can’t wait to have the whole series out of my cabin windows and installed permanently at the visitors center. Until that is accomplished, I will be anxious.

The park is hosting a potluck on Nov. 13th for the presentation of the project. By then my husband and son will be here to spend a few days and help me pack up.

Week 5: Petroglyphs

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Deer and artifacts

Deer and artifacts

The next panel depicts deer, the base of the peak, more fall foliage and Indian artifacts found in the park. I was able to tour with the park archaeologist earlier in my residency, and used one of the petroglyphs we saw in my design.