Proud to be awarded the Valley Wide Clinic Project, thee entry way
panels depicting the San Luis Valley.

First Panel before it was installed.

second panel

third panel

All panels installed at the Clinic
Proud to be awarded the Valley Wide Clinic Project, thee entry way
panels depicting the San Luis Valley.
First Panel before it was installed.
second panel
third panel
All panels installed at the Clinic
This panels shows additional dunes fieldd, contrasted with the snowy spires of the Crestone Needles towering into the Colorado sky. Fall colors are visible in the distant landscape and more golden aspen frame one side. The Medano rushes by a mother brown bear and her cub, and on the far right is a ponderosa pine with a portion of the bark peeled off for medicinal purposes by Native American people. In the lower left corner is a cut-throat trout, found in the brooks and streams of the area and the lower right corner depicts the vibrant color of the mountain bluebird.