Posts Tagged ‘sunflowers’

Corner Hangers

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

"Sunflower" corner

"Colorado" Corner

"Dragon Fly" corner

"Web" corner

Some examples of my popular corner hangers.

They can be hung in the corner of a window

or a door frame.  I have done many designs…

First Sand Dunes Panel

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

This is the first of the five panels to be installed in the visitors center of the Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve near Alamosa CO.


This panel depicts the wetland areas which edge the western side of the dune field. This area has an abundance of wildlife and shown are sandhill cranes in flight and the pronghorn antelope.

The corner insets feature the sunflower on the left, whose blossoms blanket the open field surrounding the dunes with a carpet of brilliant yellow for most of the summer season. Also found only in this vicinity is the Great Sand Dunes tiger beetle, with its iridescent carapace.

In the lower right corner is a pair of sandhill cranes, whose migratory path leads them to graze in fields of the San Luis Valley in the in the early spring and again in the fall. These magnificent birds can reach 46″ in height and can have a wingspan of over 6 feet. Their calls can frequently be heard before they become visible when the flocks pass overhead.